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Amino Acid Stock Solutions

Amino acid Stock Concentration Molecular Weight gm/100ml ml/liter ml/plate Arginine 50mM 100mM 210.7 1.054 2.107 10 5 0.2 0.1 Asparagine 300 mM 132.1 7.926 10 0.2 Histidine HCl 100 mM 209 2.09 3 0.1 Isoleucine 50 mM 131.2 0.656 10 0.2 Leucine 100 mM...

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50X E Salts and Derivatives

Jeff Lawrence (Z50)50X E Salts1. Heat 1 L distilled water in a 4 liter beaker.2. Dissolve completely, in indicated order: 300 g citric acid monohydrate (H3C6H5O7·H2O)  14.1 g MgSO4  1965 g K2HPO4·3H2O 525 ...

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Antibiotic Stock Solutions

Antibiotic AbbreviationConcentration1Concentration1Stock Solution2  (Rich Media)(Minimal Media)ml/liter Na Ampicillin3 Amp, Ap 50 μg/ml 15 μg/ml4 20 mg/mL 50% EtOH  Chloramphenicol Cam, Cm 20 μg/...

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How to predict transcription factor binding site?

To predict transcription factor binding site in DNA, you may use the following tools:1. PROMOPROMO is a virtual laboratory for the identification of putative transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) in DNA sequences from a species or groups of speci...

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How to convert human dose to animal dose?

The common perception of scaling of dose based on the body weight (mg/kg) alone is not the right approach. This is primarily because the biochemical, functional systems in species vary which in turn alter pharmacokinetics. Therefore, extrapolation of...

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Does PBS buffer affect cell adhesion?

Cell adhesion is a pH-dependent phenomenon: the cells required Mg2+ or Ca2+ for attachment to substrates at pH higher than the isoelectric point of the proteins coating a plastic surface, but not at lower pH. With increasing pH from 3.4, cell adhesiv...

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Features of catalytic residues in enzyme active sites

Knowledge and improved understanding of the properties of enzyme active sites and their assorted catalytic mechanisms is vital for novel protein design and predicting protein function from structure. Crystallographic and NMR studies of enzymes have ...

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Commonly used protein pocket/cavity prediction tools

Tool Description Link CASTp Computed Atlas of Surface Topography of proteins (CASTp) provides pockets located on protein surfaces and voids buried in the interior of proteins. CASTp DEPTH Depth measures the closest distance of a residue/atom to bulk...

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