How to remove salts, phenol and other contaminants from RNA samples?


Add 1/10 vol of NH4OAc, en 2.5 volume 100% cold EtOH (100%) and 1 µl glycogen (if you think you'll the pellet without see glycogen you can do without it)


Incubate 30 min at -80°C

Centrifuge 20 min at 12000g at 4°C

(remove supernatant)

Wash with 75% ice cold EtOH

Centrifuge 5 min at 12000 g at 4°C

(remove SN)

Re-suspend the pellet in DEPC (can take some time)

When extracting RNA from skin samples, you can add a Proteinase K digestion step prior to the Trizol extraction, it will increase your total RNA yield. Adding a further ethanol 75% wash at the end of the extraction will also improve a bit the overall quality of your sample, regarding the absorbance ratio.

Additionaly, check the articles by Donald Rio et al. at CSH protocols, they have useful tips and guidelines.

You could also consider using specialized kits for this kind of extraction, like the RNeasy Fibrous Tissue kit from qiagen.

Furthermore, in this report by Bruning and co-workers, they use a liquid N/mortar-and-pestle extraction with qiazol (similar acidic-buffered phenol from qiagen) followed by a cleanup step. Since they use their samples for sensitive downstream applications, could be worth to consider their method.

Souce: NovoPro    2018-03-15