pMpGWB410 vector (V004555)

Basic Vector Information

Vector Name:
Antibiotic Resistance:
12793 bp
Binary vector
Replication origin:
Ishizaki K, Nishihama R, Ueda M, Inoue K, Ishida S, Nishimura Y, Shikanai T, Kohchi T.

pMpGWB410 vector Map

pMpGWB41012793 bp6001200180024003000360042004800540060006600720078008400900096001020010800114001200012600RB T-DNA repeatM13 fwdMpEF1alpha promoter and 5'UTRattR1lac UV5 promoterCmRccdBattR23xFLAGNOS terminatorM13 revlac operatorlac promoterCAP binding siteCaMV poly(A) signalNeoR/KanRCaMV 35S promoter (enhanced)LB T-DNA repeatSmRoribompVS1 oriVpVS1 RepApVS1 StaA

pMpGWB410 vector Sequence

Copy Sequence

Download GenBank File(.gb)

LOCUS       40924_31830       12793 bp DNA     circular SYN 18-DEC-2018
DEFINITION  Binary vector pMpGWB410 DNA, complete sequence.
SOURCE      synthetic DNA construct
  ORGANISM  synthetic DNA construct
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 12793)
  AUTHORS   Ishizaki K, Nishihama R, Ueda M, Inoue K, Ishida S, Nishimura Y, 
            Shikanai T, Kohchi T.
  TITLE     Development of Gateway Binary Vector Series with Four Different 
            Selection Markers for the Liverwort Marchantia polymorpha
  JOURNAL   PLoS ONE 10 (9), E0138876 (2015)
  PUBMED    26406247
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 12793)
  AUTHORS   Nishihama R, Ishizaki K, Kohchi T.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (01-JUN-2015) Contact:Ryuichi Nishihama Kyoto University, 
            Graduate School of Biostudies; Kitashirakawa-oiwake-cho, Sakyo-ku, 
            Kyoto, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan URL :
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 12793)
  TITLE     Direct Submission
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 12793)
  TITLE     Direct Submission
COMMENT     SGRef: number: 1; type: "Journal Article"; journalName: "PLoS ONE"; 
            date: "2015"; volume: "10"; issue: "9"; pages: "E0138876"
COMMENT     SGRef: number: 2; type: "Journal Article"; journalName: "Submitted 
            (01-JUN-2015) Contact:Ryuichi Nishihama Kyoto University, Graduate 
            School of Biostudies"; volume: " Kitashirakawa-oiwake-cho, Sakyo-ku,
            Kyoto, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan URL :http"; pages: 
COMMENT     SGRef: number: 3; type: "Journal Article"
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..12793
                     /mol_type="other DNA"
                     /organism="synthetic DNA construct"
     misc_feature    complement(54..78)
                     /label=RB T-DNA repeat
                     /note="right border repeat from nopaline C58 T-DNA"
     primer_bind     281..297
                     /label=M13 fwd
                     /note="common sequencing primer, one of multiple similar 
     regulatory      315..2043
                     /label=MpEF1alpha promoter and 5'UTR
                     /note="MpEF1alpha promoter and 5'UTR"
     protein_bind    2057..2181
                     /note="recombination site for the Gateway(R) LR reaction"
     promoter        2218..2248
                     /label=lac UV5 promoter
                     /note="E. coli lac promoter with an 'up' mutation"
     CDS             2302..2958
                     /note="chloramphenicol acetyltransferase"
     CDS             3303..3605
                     /note="CcdB, a bacterial toxin that poisons DNA gyrase"
     protein_bind    complement(3649..3773)
                     /note="recombination site for the Gateway(R) LR reaction"
     CDS             3784..3849
                     /note="three tandem FLAG(R) epitope tags, followed by an 
                     enterokinase cleavage site"
     terminator      3868..4120
                     /label=NOS terminator
                     /note="nopaline synthase terminator and poly(A) signal"
     primer_bind     complement(4154..4170)
                     /label=M13 rev
                     /note="common sequencing primer, one of multiple similar 
     protein_bind    4178..4194
                     /label=lac operator
                     /bound_moiety="lac repressor encoded by lacI"
                     /note="The lac repressor binds to the lac operator to
                     inhibit transcription in E. coli. This inhibition can be 
                     relieved by adding lactose or 
                     isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)."
     promoter        complement(4202..4232)
                     /label=lac promoter
                     /note="promoter for the E. coli lac operon"
     protein_bind    complement(4247..4268)
                     /label=CAP binding site
                     /note="CAP binding activates transcription in the presence
                     of cAMP."
     polyA_signal    complement(4353..4527)
                     /label=CaMV poly(A) signal
                     /note="cauliflower mosaic virus polyadenylation signal"
     CDS             complement(4587..5375)
                     /note="aminoglycoside phosphotransferase"
     promoter        complement(5444..6120)
                     /label=CaMV 35S promoter (enhanced)
                     /note="cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter with a
                     duplicated enhancer region"
     misc_feature    complement(6315..6339)
                     /label=LB T-DNA repeat
                     /note="left border repeat from nopaline C58 T-DNA"
     CDS             6860..7648
                     /note="aminoglycoside adenylyltransferase (Murphy, 1985)"
     rep_origin      7897..8485
                     /note="high-copy-number ColE1/pMB1/pBR322/pUC origin of 
     misc_feature    complement(8671..8811)
                     /note="basis of mobility region from pBR322"
     rep_origin      complement(9155..9349)
                     /label=pVS1 oriV
                     /note="origin of replication for the Pseudomonas plasmid
                     pVS1 (Heeb et al., 2000)"
     CDS             complement(9418..10488)
                     /label=pVS1 RepA
                     /note="replication protein from the Pseudomonas plasmid
                     pVS1 (Heeb et al., 2000)"
     CDS             complement(10920..11546)
                     /label=pVS1 StaA
                     /note="stability protein from the Pseudomonas plasmid pVS1
                     (Heeb et al., 2000)"

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