Price Information
Cat No. | Plasmid Name | Availability | Add to cart |
V005935 | pCasPA | In stock, instant shipping |
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Two tubes of lyophilized plasmid will be delivered, each tube is about 5µg.
Basic Vector Information
- Vector Name:
- pCasPA
- Antibiotic Resistance:
- Tetracycline
- Length:
- 17571 bp
- Type:
- Bacterial Expression, CRISPR, Synthetic Biology
- Replication origin:
- oriV
- Promoter:
- araBAD
- Growth Strain(s):
- DH10B
pCasPA vector Map
Plasmid Protocol
1. Centrifuge at 5,000×g for 5 min.
2. Carefully open the tube and add 20 μl of sterile water to dissolve the DNA.
3. Close the tube and incubate for 10 minutes at room temperature.
4. Briefly vortex the tube and then do a quick spin to concentrate the liquid at the bottom. Speed is less than 5000×g.
5. Store the plasmid at -20 ℃.
6. The concentration of plasmid re-measurement sometimes differs from the nominal value, which may be due to the position of the lyophilized plasmid in the tube, the efficiency of the re-dissolution, the measurement bias, and adsorption on the wall of the tube, therefore, it is recommended to transform and extract the plasmid before using it
General Plasmid Transform Protocol
1. Take one 100μl of the competent cells and thaw it on ice for 10min, add 2μl of plasmid, then ice bath for 30min, then heat-shock it at 42℃ for 60s, do not stir, and then ice bath for 2min.
2. Add 900μl of LB liquid medium without antibiotics, and incubate at 37℃ for 45min (30℃ for 1-1.5 hours) with 180rpm shaking.
3. Centrifuge at 6000rpm for 5min, leave only 100μl of supernatant to resuspend the bacterial precipitate and spread it onto the target plasmid-resistant LB plate.
4. Invert the plate and incubate at 37℃ for 14h, or at 30℃ for 20h.
5. Pick a single colony into LB liquid medium, add the corresponding antibiotics, incubate at 220rpm for 14h, and extract the plasmid according to the experimental needs and the instructions of the plasmid extraction kit.
pCasPA vector Sequence
LOCUS 40924_9061 17571 bp DNA circular SYN 13-MAY-2021 DEFINITION Bacterial expression of Cas9 nuclease and lambda-Red system in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. ACCESSION . VERSION . KEYWORDS . SOURCE synthetic DNA construct ORGANISM synthetic DNA construct REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 17571) AUTHORS Chen W, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Pi Y, Gu T, Song L, Wang Y, Ji Q TITLE CRISPR/Cas9-based Genome Editing in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Cytidine Deaminase-Mediated Base Editing in Pseudomonas Species. JOURNAL iScience. 2018 Aug 31;6:222-231. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2018.07.024. Epub 2018 Aug 1. PUBMED 30240613 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 17571) TITLE Direct Submission REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 17571) AUTHORS . TITLE Direct Submission COMMENT SGRef: number: 1; type: "Journal Article"; journalName: "iScience."; date: "2018-08-31"; pages: " 10.1016/j.isci.2018.07.024. Epub 2018 Aug 1" COMMENT SGRef: number: 2; type: "Journal Article" FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..17571 /mol_type="other DNA" /organism="synthetic DNA construct" rep_origin 3..712 /label=oriV /note="incP origin of replication" primer_bind complement(2109..2128) /label=F1ori-R /note="F1 origin, reverse primer" primer_bind 2319..2340 /label=F1ori-F /note="F1 origin, forward primer" primer_bind 2603..2625 /label=M13/pUC Forward /note="In lacZ gene" primer_bind 2617..2634 /label=M13 Forward /note="In lacZ gene. Also called M13-F20 or M13 (-21) Forward" primer_bind 2618..2634 /label=M13 fwd /note="common sequencing primer, one of multiple similar variants" CDS complement(2745..3620) /codon_start=1 /label=araC /note="L-arabinose regulatory protein" /translation="MAEAQNDPLLPGYSFNAHLVAGLTPIEANGYLDFFIDRPLGMKGY ILNLTIRGQGVVKNQGREFVCRPGDILLFPPGEIHHYGRHPEAREWYHQWVYFRPRAYW HEWLNWPSIFANTGFFRPDEAHQPHFSDLFGQIINAGQGEGRYSELLAINLLEQLLLRR MEAINESLHPPMDNRVREACQYISDHLADSNFDIASVAQHVCLSPSRLSHLFRQQLGIS VLSWREDQRISQAKLLLSTTRMPIATVGRNVGFDDQLYFSRVFKKCTGASPSEFRAGCE EKVNDVAVKLS" promoter 3647..3931 /gene="araBAD" /label=araBAD promoter /note="promoter of the L-arabinose operon of E. coli; the araC regulatory gene is transcribed in the opposite direction (Guzman et al., 1995)" RBS 3958..3966 /label=Shine-Dalgarno sequence /note="full consensus sequence for ribosome-binding sites upstream of start codons in E. coli; complementary to a region in the 3' end of the 16S rRNA (Chen et al., 1994)" CDS 3975..4388 /codon_start=1 /label=Gam /note="inhibitor of the host RecBCD nuclease in the lambda Red system" /translation="MDINTETEIKQKHSLTPFPVFLISPAFRGRYFHSYFRSSAMNAYY IQDRLEAQSWARHYQQLAREEKEAELADDMEKGLPQHLFESLCIDHLQRHGASKKSITR AFDDDVEFQERMAEHIRYMVETIAHHQVDIDSEV" CDS 4397..5179 /codon_start=1 /label=Beta /note="single-stranded DNA binding recombinase in the lambda Red system" /translation="MSTALATLAGKLAERVGMDSVDPQELITTLRQTAFKGDASDAQFI ALLIVANQYGLNPWTKEIYAFPDKQNGIVPVVGVDGWSRIINENQQFDGMDFEQDNESC TCRIYRKDRNHPICVTEWMDECRREPFKTREGREITGPWQSHPKRMLRHKAMIQCARLA FGFAGIYDKDEAERIVENTAYTAERQPERDITPVNDETMQEINTLLIALDKTWDDDLLP LCSQIFRRDIRASSELTQAEAVKALGFLKQKAAEQKVAA" CDS 5179..5856 /codon_start=1 /label=Exo /note="5' to 3' double-stranded DNA exonuclease in the lambda Red system" /translation="MTPDIILQRTGIDVRAVEQGDDAWHKLRLGVITASEVHNVIAKPR SGKKWPDMKMSYFHTLLAEVCTGVAPEVNAKALAWGKQYENDARTLFEFTSGVNVTESP IIYRDESMRTACSPDGLCSDGNGLELKCPFTSRDFMKFRLGGFEAIKSAYMAQVQYSMW VTRKNAWYFANYDPRMKREGLHYVVIERDEKYMASFDEIVPEFIEKMDEALAEIGFVFG EQWR" terminator 5860..6104 /label=lambda tL3 terminator /note="transcription terminator tL3 from phage lambda" regulatory 6120..6129 /label=Kozak sequence /note="vertebrate consensus sequence for strong initiation of translation (Kozak, 1987)" /regulatory_class="other" primer_bind 6145..6164 /label=pRS-marker /note="pRS vectors, use to sequence yeast selectable marker" CDS complement(6206..7624) /codon_start=1 /label=SacB /note="secreted levansucrase that renders bacterial growth sensitive to sucrose" /translation="MNIKKFAKQATVLTFTTALLAGGATQAFAKETNQKPYKETYGISH ITRHDMLQIPEQQKNEKYQVPEFDSSTIKNISSAKGLDVWDSWPLQNADGTVANYHGYH IVFALAGDPKNADDTSIYMFYQKVGETSIDSWKNAGRVFKDSDKFDANDSILKDQTQEW SGSATFTSDGKIRLFYTDFSGKHYGKQTLTTAQVNVSASDSSLNINGVEDYKSIFDGDG KTYQNVQQFIDEGNYSSGDNHTLRDPHYVEDKGHKYLVFEANTGTEDGYQGEESLFNKA YYGKSTSFFRQESQKLLQSDKKRTAELANGALGMIELNDDYTLKKVMKPLIASNTVTDE IERANVFKMNGKWYLFTDSRGSKMTIDGITSNDIYMLGYVSNSLTGPYKPLNKTGLVLK MDLDPNDVTFTYSHFAVPQAKGNNVVITSYMTNRGFYADKQSTFAPSFLLNIKGKKTSV VKDSILEQGQLTVNK" promoter 8030..8314 /label=araBAD promoter /note="promoter of the L-arabinose operon of E. coli; the araC regulatory gene is transcribed in the opposite direction (Guzman et al., 1995)" RBS 8341..8349 /label=Shine-Dalgarno sequence /note="full consensus sequence for ribosome-binding sites upstream of start codons in E. coli; complementary to a region in the 3' end of the 16S rRNA (Chen et al., 1994)" CDS 8358..12461 /codon_start=1 /label=Cas9 /note="Cas9 (Csn1) endonuclease from the Streptococcus pyogenes Type II CRISPR/Cas system" /translation="MDKKYSIGLDIGTNSVGWAVITDEYKVPSKKFKVLGNTDRHSIKK NLIGALLFDSGETAEATRLKRTARRRYTRRKNRICYLQEIFSNEMAKVDDSFFHRLEES FLVEEDKKHERHPIFGNIVDEVAYHEKYPTIYHLRKKLVDSTDKADLRLIYLALAHMIK FRGHFLIEGDLNPDNSDVDKLFIQLVQTYNQLFEENPINASGVDAKAILSARLSKSRRL ENLIAQLPGEKKNGLFGNLIALSLGLTPNFKSNFDLAEDAKLQLSKDTYDDDLDNLLAQ IGDQYADLFLAAKNLSDAILLSDILRVNTEITKAPLSASMIKRYDEHHQDLTLLKALVR QQLPEKYKEIFFDQSKNGYAGYIDGGASQEEFYKFIKPILEKMDGTEELLVKLNREDLL RKQRTFDNGSIPHQIHLGELHAILRRQEDFYPFLKDNREKIEKILTFRIPYYVGPLARG NSRFAWMTRKSEETITPWNFEEVVDKGASAQSFIERMTNFDKNLPNEKVLPKHSLLYEY FTVYNELTKVKYVTEGMRKPAFLSGEQKKAIVDLLFKTNRKVTVKQLKEDYFKKIECFD SVEISGVEDRFNASLGTYHDLLKIIKDKDFLDNEENEDILEDIVLTLTLFEDREMIEER LKTYAHLFDDKVMKQLKRRRYTGWGRLSRKLINGIRDKQSGKTILDFLKSDGFANRNFM QLIHDDSLTFKEDIQKAQVSGQGDSLHEHIANLAGSPAIKKGILQTVKVVDELVKVMGR HKPENIVIEMARENQTTQKGQKNSRERMKRIEEGIKELGSQILKEHPVENTQLQNEKLY LYYLQNGRDMYVDQELDINRLSDYDVDHIVPQSFLKDDSIDNKVLTRSDKNRGKSDNVP SEEVVKKMKNYWRQLLNAKLITQRKFDNLTKAERGGLSELDKAGFIKRQLVETRQITKH VAQILDSRMNTKYDENDKLIREVKVITLKSKLVSDFRKDFQFYKVREINNYHHAHDAYL NAVVGTALIKKYPKLESEFVYGDYKVYDVRKMIAKSEQEIGKATAKYFFYSNIMNFFKT EITLANGEIRKRPLIETNGETGEIVWDKGRDFATVRKVLSMPQVNIVKKTEVQTGGFSK ESILPKRNSDKLIARKKDWDPKKYGGFDSPTVAYSVLVVAKVEKGKSKKLKSVKELLGI TIMERSSFEKNPIDFLEAKGYKEVKKDLIIKLPKYSLFELENGRKRMLASAGELQKGNE LALPSKYVNFLYLASHYEKLKGSPEDNEQKQLFVEQHKHYLDEIIEQISEFSKRVILAD ANLDKVLSAYNKHRDKPIREQAENIIHLFTLTNLGAPAAFKYFDTTIDRKRYTSTKEVL DATLIHQSITGLYETRIDLSQLGGD" promoter complement(12520..12538) /label=T7 promoter /note="promoter for bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase" primer_bind complement(12552..12568) /label=M13 rev /note="common sequencing primer, one of multiple similar variants" primer_bind complement(12552..12568) /label=M13 Reverse /note="In lacZ gene. Also called M13-rev" primer_bind complement(12565..12587) /label=M13/pUC Reverse /note="In lacZ gene" protein_bind 12576..12592 /label=lac operator /bound_moiety="lac repressor encoded by lacI" /note="The lac repressor binds to the lac operator to inhibit transcription in E. coli. This inhibition can be relieved by adding lactose or isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)." promoter complement(12600..12630) /label=lac promoter /note="promoter for the E. coli lac operon" protein_bind complement(12645..12666) /label=CAP binding site /note="CAP binding activates transcription in the presence of cAMP." CDS 13024..14220 /codon_start=1 /label=TcR /note="tetracycline efflux protein" /translation="VKPNIPLIVILSTVALDAVGIGLIMPVLPGLLRDLVHSNDVTAHY GILLALYALVQFACAPVLGALSDRFGRRPILLVSLAGATVDYAIMATAPFLWVLYIGRI VAGITGATGAVAGAYIADITDGDERARHFGFMSACFGFGMVAGPVLGGLMGGFSPHAPF FAAAALNGLNFLTGCFLLPESHKGERRPLRREALNPLASFRWARGMTVVAALMAVFFIM QLVGQVPAALWVIFGEDRFHWDATTIGISLAAFGILHSLAQAMITGPVAARLGERRALM LGMIADGTGYILLAFATRGWMAFPIMVLLASGGIGMPALQAMLSRQVDEERQGQLQGSL AALTSLTSIVGPLLFTAIYAASITTWNGWAWIAGAALYLLCLPALRRGLWSGAGQRADR " CDS complement(15499..16644) /codon_start=1 /label=trfA /note="trans-acting replication protein that binds to and activates oriV" /translation="MNRTFDRKAYRQELIDAGFSAEDAETIASRTVMRAPRETFQSVGS MVQQATAKIERDSVQLAPPALPAPSAAVERSRRLEQEAAGLAKSMTIDTRGTMTTKKRK TAGEDLAKQVSEAKQAALLKHTKQQIKEMQLSLFDIAPWPDTMRAMPNDTARSALFTTR NKKIPREALQNKVIFHVNKDVKITYTGVELRADDDELVWQQVLEYAKRTPIGEPITFTF YELCQDLGWSINGRYYTKAEECLSRLQATAMGFTSDRVGHLESVSLLHRFRVLDRGKKT SRCQVLIDEEIVVLFAGDHYTKFIWEKYRKLSPTARRMFDYFSSHREPYPLKLETFRLM CGSDSTRVKKWREQVGEACEELRGSGLVEHAWVNDDLVHCKR" CDS complement(16919..17287) /codon_start=1 /label=traJ /note="oriT-recognizing protein" /translation="MADETKPTRKGSPPIKVYCLPDERRAIEEKAAAAGMSLSAYLLAV GQGYKITGVVDYEHVRELARINGDLGRLGGLLKLWLTDDPRTARFGDATILALLAKIEE KQDELGKVMMGVVRPRAEP" oriT complement(17320..17429) /direction=LEFT /label=oriT /note="incP origin of transfer"