pCold I vector (V008316)

Basic Vector Information

Vector Name:
pCold I
Antibiotic Resistance:
4407 bp
Expression vector
Replication origin:
Qing G, Ma LC, Khorchid A, Swapna GV, Mal TK, Takayama MM, Xia B, Phadtare S, Ke H, Acton T, Montelione GT, Ikura M, Inouye M.

pCold I vector Map

pCold I4407 bp600120018002400300036004200cspA promoterlac operator5'UTRTEE6xHisFactor Xa siteMCS = Multiple cloning sites contain the follow restriction sites: NdeI, SacI, KpnI, XhoI, BamHI, EcoRI, HindIII, SalI, PstI, XbaI3'UTRf1 oriAmpR promoterAmpRoriCAP binding sitelacIlacI promoter

pCold I vector Sequence

LOCUS       40924_12650        4407 bp DNA     circular SYN 17-DEC-2018
DEFINITION  Expression vector pColdI DNA, complete sequence.
SOURCE      synthetic DNA construct
  ORGANISM  synthetic DNA construct
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 4407)
  AUTHORS   Qing G, Ma LC, Khorchid A, Swapna GV, Mal TK, Takayama MM, Xia B, 
            Phadtare S, Ke H, Acton T, Montelione GT, Ikura M, Inouye M.
  TITLE     Cold-shock induced high-yield protein production in Escherichia coli
  JOURNAL   Nat. Biotechnol. 22 (7), 877-882 (2004)
  PUBMED    15195104
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 4407)
  AUTHORS   Takayama MM, Inouye M.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (04-AUG-2004) Masanori Mitta Takayama, UMDNJ-Robert Wood 
            Johnson Medical School, Department of Biochemistry; 675 Hoes Lane, 
            Piscataway, NJ 08854-5635, USA (E-mail:mitsutam@takara-bio.co.jp, 
            Tel:81-77-543-7200, Fax:81-77-543-2494)
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 4407)
  TITLE     Direct Submission
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 4407)
  TITLE     Direct Submission
COMMENT     SGRef: number: 1; type: "Journal Article"; journalName: "Nat. 
            Biotechnol."; date: "2004"; volume: "22"; issue: "7"; pages: 
COMMENT     SGRef: number: 2; type: "Journal Article"; journalName: "Submitted 
            (04-AUG-2004) Masanori Mitta Takayama, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson 
            Medical School, Department of Biochemistry"; volume: " 675 Hoes 
            Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854-5635, USA 
            (E-mail:mitsutam@takara-bio.co.jp, Tel:81-77-543-7200, Fax"; pages: 
COMMENT     SGRef: number: 3; type: "Journal Article"
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..4407
                     /mol_type="other DNA"
                     /organism="synthetic DNA construct"
     promoter        15..81
                     /label=cspA promoter
                     /note="promoter of the E. coli cold shock protein cspA gene
                     (Mitta et al., 1997)"
     protein_bind    84..100
                     /label=lac operator
                     /note="The lac repressor binds to the lac operator to
                     inhibit transcription in E. coli. This inhibition can be 
                     relieved by adding lactose or 
                     isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)."
     5'UTR           122..255
                     /label=cspA 5'UTR
                     /note="5'UTR of the E. coli cold shock protein cspA gene
                     (Mitta et al., 1997)"
     CDS             256..270
                     /note="translation enhancing element for E. coli (Qing et
                     al., 2004)"
     CDS             271..288
                     /note="6xHis affinity tag"
     CDS             289..300
                     /label=Factor Xa site
                     /note="Factor Xa recognition and cleavage site"
     misc_feature    301..360
                     /note="MCS = Multiple cloning sites contain the follow 
                     restriction sites: NdeI, SacI, KpnI, XhoI, BamHI, EcoRI, 
                     HindIII, SalI, PstI, XbaI"
     3'UTR           368..512
                     /label=cspA 3'UTR
                     /note="3'UTR of the E. coli cold shock protein cspA gene
                     (Mitta et al., 1997)"
     rep_origin      complement(711..1166)
                     /label=f1 ori
                     /note="f1 bacteriophage origin of replication; arrow
                     indicates direction of (+) strand synthesis"
     promoter        1266..1370
                     /label=AmpR promoter
     CDS             1371..2228
     rep_origin      2402..2990
                     /note="high-copy-number ColE1/pMB1/pBR322/pUC origin of 
     protein_bind    complement(3128..3149)
                     /label=CAP binding site
                     /note="CAP binding activates transcription in the presence
                     of cAMP."
     CDS             complement(3165..4244)
                     /note="lac repressor"
     promoter        complement(4245..4322)
                     /label=lacI promoter

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