Price Information
Cat No. | Plasmid Name | Availability | Add to cart |
V018103 | pFR-Luc | In stock, 1 week for quality controls |
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Two tubes of lyophilized plasmid will be delivered, each tube is about 5µg.
Basic Vector Information
pFR-Luc is a mammalian reporter plasmid designed to study transcriptional regulation. It contains the firefly luciferase gene under the control of a minimal promoter with multiple repeats of specific response elements (e.g., Gal4 binding sites), allowing detection of transcription factor activity or promoter activation. The plasmid typically includes an antibiotic resistance marker (e.g., ampicillin) for selection and is widely used in signal transduction assays, promoter analysis, and high-throughput screening of regulatory elements.
- Vector Name:
- pFR-Luc
- Antibiotic Resistance:
- Ampicillin
- Length:
- 5748 bp
- Type:
- Cloning vector
- Source/Author:
- Zheng C.-F
pFR-Luc vector Map
Plasmid Protocol
1. Centrifuge at 5,000×g for 5 min.
2. Carefully open the tube and add 20 μl of sterile water to dissolve the DNA.
3. Close the tube and incubate for 10 minutes at room temperature.
4. Briefly vortex the tube and then do a quick spin to concentrate the liquid at the bottom. Speed is less than 5000×g.
5. Store the plasmid at -20 ℃.
6. The concentration of plasmid re-measurement sometimes differs from the nominal value, which may be due to the position of the lyophilized plasmid in the tube, the efficiency of the re-dissolution, the measurement bias, and adsorption on the wall of the tube, therefore, it is recommended to transform and extract the plasmid before using it
General Plasmid Transform Protocol
1. Take one 100μl of the competent cells and thaw it on ice for 10min, add 2μl of plasmid, then ice bath for 30min, then heat-shock it at 42℃ for 60s, do not stir, and then ice bath for 2min.
2. Add 900μl of LB liquid medium without antibiotics, and incubate at 37℃ for 45min (30℃ for 1-1.5 hours) with 180rpm shaking.
3. Centrifuge at 6000rpm for 5min, leave only 100μl of supernatant to resuspend the bacterial precipitate and spread it onto the target plasmid-resistant LB plate.
4. Invert the plate and incubate at 37℃ for 14h, or at 30℃ for 20h.
5. Pick a single colony into LB liquid medium, add the corresponding antibiotics, incubate at 220rpm for 14h, and extract the plasmid according to the experimental needs and the instructions of the plasmid extraction kit.
pFR-Luc vector Sequence
LOCUS Exported 5748 bp DNA circular SYN 19-MAR-2025 DEFINITION synthetic circular DNA ACCESSION . VERSION . KEYWORDS . SOURCE synthetic DNA construct ORGANISM synthetic DNA construct REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 5748) AUTHORS . TITLE Direct Submission FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..5748 /mol_type="other DNA" /organism="synthetic DNA construct" source 998..1930 /plasmid="pFR-Luc" /lab_host="Escherichia coli K12" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /db_xref="taxon:75696" /organism="Cloning vector pFR-Luc" promoter 32..136 /gene="bla" /label=AmpR promoter CDS 137..997 /codon_start=1 /gene="bla" /product="beta-lactamase" /label=AmpR /note="confers resistance to ampicillin, carbenicillin, and related antibiotics" /translation="MSIQHFRVALIPFFAAFCLPVFAHPETLVKVKDAEDQLGARVGYI ELDLNSGKILESFRPEERFPMMSTFKVLLCGAVLSRIDAGQEQLGRRIHYSQNDLVEYS PVTEKHLTDGMTVRELCSAAITMSDNTAANLLLTTIGGPKELTAFLHNMGDHVTRLDRW EPELNEAIPNDERDTTMPVAMATTLRKLLTGELLTLASRQQLIDWMEADKVAGPLLRSA LPAGWFIADKSGAGERGSRGIIAALGPDGKPSRIVVIYTTGSQATMDERNRQIAEIGAS LIKHW" rep_origin 998..1930 /label=Col EI origin /note="Col EI origin" misc_feature 1934..2074 /label=bom /note="basis of mobility region from pBR322" polyA_signal 2313..2445 /label=SV40 poly(A) signal /note="SV40 polyadenylation signal" polyA_signal 2539..2671 /label=SV40 poly(A) signal /note="SV40 polyadenylation signal" protein_bind 2693..2787 /label=5X UAS /bound_moiety="GAL4" /note="five tandem copies of the ""ScaI site"" 17-mer CGGAGTACTGTCCTCCG, an upstream activating sequence (UAS) that efficiently binds yeast Gal4 (Webster et al., 1988; Pfeiffer et al., 2010)" CDS 2868..4520 /codon_start=1 /gene="luc" /product="firefly luciferase" /label=luciferase /translation="MEDAKNIKKGPAPFYPLEDGTAGEQLHKAMKRYALVPGTIAFTDA HIEVNITYAEYFEMSVRLAEAMKRYGLNTNHRIVVCSENSLQFFMPVLGALFIGVAVAP ANDIYNERELLNSMNISQPTVVFVSKKGLQKILNVQKKLPIIQKIIIMDSKTDYQGFQS MYTFVTSHLPPGFNEYDFVPESFDRDKTIALIMNSSGSTGLPKGVALPHRTACVRFSHA RDPIFGNQIIPDTAILSVVPFHHGFGMFTTLGYLICGFRVVLMYRFEEELFLRSLQDYK IQSALLVPTLFSFFAKSTLIDKYDLSNLHEIASGGAPLSKEVGEAVAKRFHLPGIRQGY GLTETTSAILITPEGDDKPGAVGKVVPFFEAKVVDLDTGKTLGVNQRGELCVRGPMIMS GYVNNPEATNALIDKDGWLHSGDIAYWDEDEHFFIVDRLKSLIKYKGYQVAPAELESIL LQHPNIFDAGVAGLPDDDAGELPAAVVVLEHGKTMTEKEIVDYVASQVTTAKKLRGGVV FVDEVPKGLTGKLDARKIREILIKAKKGGKSKL" intron 4651..4716 /label=small t intron /note="SV40 (simian virus 40) small t antigen intron" polyA_signal 5286..5420 /label=SV40 poly(A) signal /note="SV40 polyadenylation signal"