pMRH13 vector (V016364)

Basic Vector Information

Vector Name:
Antibiotic Resistance:
4476 bp
Cloning vector
Replication origin:
Hajimorad M, Gralnick JA.

pMRH13 vector Map

pMRH134476 bp600120018002400300036004200CAP binding sitelacIlacI promoterlac operatormRFP1rrnB T1 terminatorT7Te terminatororioriTlambda t0 terminatorNeoR/KanR

pMRH13 vector Sequence

Copy Sequence

Download GenBank File(.gb)

LOCUS       62056_17255        4476 bp DNA     circular SYN 31-DEC-2020
DEFINITION  Cloning vector pMRH13, complete sequence.
SOURCE      synthetic DNA construct
  ORGANISM  synthetic DNA construct
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 4476)
  AUTHORS   Hajimorad M, Gralnick JA.
  TITLE     Plasmid copy number characterization of a modular vector set in 
            Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 for synthetic biology applications
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 4476)
  AUTHORS   Hajimorad M, Gralnick JA.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (21-NOV-2017) Electrical and Computer Engineering, 
            California State University, Chico, 400 West First Street, Chico, CA
            95929-0888, USA
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 4476)
  TITLE     Direct Submission
COMMENT     SGRef: number: 1; type: "Journal Article"; journalName: 
COMMENT     SGRef: number: 2; type: "Journal Article"; journalName: "Submitted 
            (21-NOV-2017) Electrical and Computer Engineering, California State 
            University, Chico, 400 West First Street, Chico, CA 95929-0888, USA"
COMMENT     ##Assembly-Data-START##
            Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing 
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..4476
                     /mol_type="other DNA"
                     /organism="synthetic DNA construct"
     protein_bind    complement(15..36)
                     /label=CAP binding site
                     /note="CAP binding activates transcription in the presence
                     of cAMP."
     CDS             complement(52..1131)
                     /note="lac repressor"
     promoter        complement(1132..1209)
                     /label=lacI promoter
     protein_bind    1502..1518
                     /label=lac operator
                     /note="The lac repressor binds to the lac operator to
                     inhibit transcription in E. coli. This inhibition can be 
                     relieved by adding lactose or 
                     isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)."
     regulatory      1589..1608
     CDS             1609..2283
                     /note="monomeric derivative of DsRed (Campbell et al.,
     terminator      2319..2390
                     /label=rrnB T1 terminator
                     /note="transcription terminator T1 from the E. coli rrnB
     terminator      2406..2433
                     /label=T7Te terminator
                     /note="phage T7 early transcription terminator"
     rep_origin      2510..3098
                     /note="high-copy-number ColE1/pMB1/pBR322/pUC origin of 
     oriT            complement(3297..3406)
                     /note="incP origin of transfer"
     terminator      complement(3421..3515)
                     /label=lambda t0 terminator
                     /note="transcription terminator from phage lambda"
     CDS             complement(3549..4340)
                     /note="aminoglycoside phosphotransferase"

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