pCG403 vector (V016280)

Basic Vector Information

Vector Name:
Antibiotic Resistance:
5982 bp
Cloning vector
Replication origin:
pBBR1 oriV
Gao C, Fernandez VI, Lee KS, Fenizia S

pCG403 vector Vector Map

pCG4035982 bp60012001800240030003600420048005400pBBR1 oriVpBBR1 Repputative PdddWmTFP1TR2-17TL17BS7T7Te terminatorrrnB T1 terminatorNeoR/KanR

pCG403 vector Sequence

Copy Sequence

Download GeneBank File(.gb)

LOCUS       62056_6265        5982 bp DNA     circular SYN 02-MAY-2020
DEFINITION  Cloning vector pCG403, complete sequence.
SOURCE      synthetic DNA construct
  ORGANISM  synthetic DNA construct
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 5982)
  AUTHORS   Gao C, Fernandez VI, Lee KS, Fenizia S, Pohnert G, Seymour JR, Raina
            J-B., Stocker R.
  TITLE     Single-cell bacterial transcription measurements reveal the 
            importance of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) hotspots in ocean 
            sulfur cycling
  JOURNAL   Nat Commun 11 (1) (2020) In press
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 5982)
  AUTHORS   Gao C.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (27-NOV-2019) Biological Engineering, Massachusetts 
            Institute of Technology, 15 Vassar Street, Cambridge, MA 20139, USA
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 5982)
  TITLE     Direct Submission
COMMENT     SGRef: number: 1; type: "Journal Article"; journalName: "Nat Commun 
            11 (1) (2020) In press"
COMMENT     SGRef: number: 2; type: "Journal Article"; journalName: "Submitted 
            (27-NOV-2019) Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of 
            Technology, 15 Vassar Street, Cambridge, MA 20139, USA"
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..5982
                     /mol_type="other DNA"
                     /organism="synthetic DNA construct"
     rep_origin      1023..1792
                     /label=pBBR1 oriV
                     /note="replication origin of the broad-host-range plasmid
                     pBBR1 from Bordetella bronchiseptica; requires the pBBR1 
                     Rep protein for replication"
     CDS             1793..2452
                     /label=pBBR1 Rep
                     /note="replication protein for the broad-host-range plasmid
                     pBBR1 from Bordetella bronchiseptica"
     regulatory      2887..3386
                     /label=putative PdddW
                     /note="putative PdddW"
     CDS             3387..4094
                     /note="monomeric teal (cyan) fluorescent protein (Ai et
                     al., 2006)"
     regulatory      4119..4241
     regulatory      4242..4318
     regulatory      4331..4383
     terminator      complement(4408..4435)
                     /label=T7Te terminator
                     /note="phage T7 early transcription terminator"
     terminator      complement(4451..4522)
                     /label=rrnB T1 terminator
                     /note="transcription terminator T1 from the E. coli rrnB
     CDS             complement(4734..5525)
                     /note="aminoglycoside phosphotransferase"

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